Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bed Time

For the past few months we have been having a rough time getting Hadley to sleep through the night, take regular naps, and not think 4:30 am qualifies as "morning".  Our little Boo Boo bear just isn't our sleeper, but she is doing 100% better lately (Praise the Lord!)
With that being said, I am going to be completely transparent about something.  This may subject me to parental judgement from my probably 3 readers, but we just took Cameryn's binky away for bed time when she turned 3 years old.  I know this is old to have a pacifier and I can admit that the comfort and ease of putting her to bed with that thing was just as much for me as it was for her.  But we have gotten rid of all big girl binkies in this house! Can a get an amen : ) Each night as she goes to bed we do get a list of demands that must be met before she can go to sleep.
"Mommy, I want you to get me a drink of water, hold me, and sing me a wuwabye (lullaby)."   So after bath time, lotion, brushing teeth, drying hair, and saying prayers we do our final leg of this relay.  I get the water and snuggle up to my first born and sing (I use this term very loosely!)  the sweetest lullaby I know.  I recently found out my grandmother who passed away this summer used to sing this to my mom and it completely  melted my heart. And since this blog is to keep all of our family memories in tact I thought I would share it so we can always remember it.
A tiny turned up nose,
two cheeks just like a rose,
so sweet from head to toe,
That little girl of mine

Two arms to hold me tight,
two eyes that shine so bright,
two lips to kiss good night,
That little girl of mine

No one will ever know,
just what your coming has meant,
because I love you so,
you must have been heaven sent

You're all the world to  me,
you climb upon my knee,
to me you'll always be,
That little girl of mine.

I sing it to Hadley from time to time, but she usually falls asleep on her bottle and doesn't need much coaxing to get to sleep.  I can't wait until she is big enough to understand what it means, and most importantly for both my girls to know what they mean to me.  I suspect that time is very far off, probably when they make me a grandma.  Then they will know, but even then they will still be my little girls.  Good night all (probably 3 of you! ha!) ; )

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