Friday, February 24, 2012


February has been a slow month for blogging for me! Since my thoughts are not even close to organized these days I will just update everyone on what this month has held for us as a family.
  • We turned in our application and have been accepted by our adoption agency, Lifeline Children's Services. Yay for progress!
  • Hadley has been ornery as ever lately!  I am planning to post an array of pictures very soon that portray her daily stunt woman acts : )
  • Hadley is also jabbering away lately.  It is so funny to hear her just go on and on!
  • Cameryn has been extra cute here lately and has really been getting into saying her prayers.  She prays for everything and everyone and it about makes me cry every time.
  • Josh went out of town for a few days for work so we are happy to have him home with us : )
  • Me and the girls went on an adventure with Erica and Sawyer to this amazing, FREE, indoor playground in Columbus, IN for the day and had a ball.  I don't have any pictures because I had enough stuff to carry, but I may just post the one Erica got of me when I had to climb to the top of this giant thing to get Cameryn down, LOL!
  • We are hoping to turn in a stack of paper work and our first agency payment next week so we can schedule our first home study meeting, so please pray for all of that.
  • My sweet nephew Will turned 2! I can't believe it but he is.  We celebrated at Chuck-e-Cheese, where a kid can be a kid, and a mom can become a psycho-path!  Just kidding, the kids had sooooo much fun and I got to eat pizza : )
  • My triplets turned 17 years old!  I am applying for my AARP card as we speak.  Where does the time go?  I can't believe that they will soon be launched out into the world.  My prayer is that God will protect them always and that they will see how much He loves them each day.
  • I, as well as Josh, have felt a bit attacked by satan lately.  It's very strange.  You know he is real because God's word says he is, but when you actually see things happen in your own life it is still shocking.  The very week we turned in our application to adopt we had some setbacks financially and emotionally.  We prayed through it and I feel the Lord really strengthened our faith in those few days.  God is so faithful.   I knew this journey would be hard, but I just didn't realize it would be hard so soon.  I'm so thankful that we serve a God that cares for us and wants us to cast our care on Him because his burden in light.
  • Our lead pastor at East Campus at Highview has been called to preach at another church so please pray for his family and our church as we seek the leader God has for us.
  • We are heading back up to Columbus tomorrow to celebrate our nephew Hayden's birthday!  We are so blessed to have so many sweet kids to watch grow up.  I love seeing Justin and Hayden interact, they have this step-dad/brother/friend kind of thing and it is wonderful.  I'm so thankful that they have eachother and we have all of them!!
  • Mom 2 Mom is back in full swing for me so I am very happy.  I love this group of women at our church and it gives me the encouragement I need to get through the week.  Looking into the Bible with a person who is a stage ahead of you in life is a major blessing.

That is all I can think of for the time being, like I said my thoughts are far from organized.  I hope you feel in the loop now : )

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